Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur.
The classification of substances and mixtures is based on their hazardous properties, whether they are physical properties (e.g., fire, explosive, acidity, stability) or properties that are harmful to health or the environment. The CLP Regulation and its Annexes contain information and instructions on how to classify and label substances and mixtures.
Substances and mixtures may be marketed only if they have been classified according to CLP, or confirmed that they are not dangerous and in that case, they do not need to be classified. Substances classified as dangerous are listed in list 3.2. in VI. Annex in CLP Regulation. Hazardous substances not on the list of such substances shall be classified according to the information available and notifications by manufacturers and importers of substances in the European Chemicals Agency Classification and Labelling Inventory (ECHA C&L Inventory).
Those who are to report in the ECHA C&L Inventory are:
- Manufacturers of substances
- Importers of substances from non-EEA countries
- Manufacturers of mixtures importing raw materials from non-EEA countries
- Importers of mixtures from non-EEA countries.
Further information on classification on substances and mixtures can be found on ECHA's website here.
Further information on harmonised classification (CLH) can be found on ECHA's website here.