Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur.


Ósland was protected as a country park in 1982, and the protection was reviewed in 2011. The aim of the protection is to ensure an area for outdoor activities and outdoor teaching in natural sciences in the Hornarfjörður municipality. In addition, the aim is to ensure the protection of unique geological formations and diverse birdlife.

Ósland is an island that has a land bridge to Höfn í Hornafirði. It has mudflats with a rich birdlife. On Ósland, you can see basalt castings from trees that were entombed in lava flows. The country park covers an area of 16.9 ha.