Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur.

Hleinar, Hafnarfjordur

Hleinar was protected as a country park in 2009. The aim of the protection of the area is to preserve the beach and outdoor activities area in beautiful lava field surroundings with natural vegetation such as moss and heathlands. Furthermore, it is the aim of the protection to preserve residency landscapes and cultural heritage, as the area has ruins, fishing grounds, stone walls, fences, yards and carriage trails. Access to the area is good, and therefore, it is ideal for education and outdoor teaching.

The country park covers an area of 32.3 hectares and is part of the protection of bird habitats in Álftanes and Skerjafjörður in accordance with the Nature Conservation Strategy 20042008.