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Supervision, inspection and coercive measures
- How is the Agency’s supervision of chemical products organized?
According to Article 5 of the Chemicals Act No 61/2013 (only available in Icelandic) one of the tasks of the Environment Agency is to supervise the treatment and marketing of substances, mixtures and articles that fall within the scope of the act in a uniform manner throughout the country. Additionally, the Agency supervises prohibitions and restrictions on substances, mixtures and articles as well as products that require authorizations. The Environmental Agency also follows up on all reports of possible violations of the Chemicals Act with inspections. The principal provisions concerning the supervision are laid down in chapter XI. of the Chemicals Act. - How do I report a possible violation?
To report a violation or a possible violation of the Chemicals Act please use the contact form or the anonymous contact form on this website, or contact the Agency via telephone (+354 591 2000) or email ( - Where can the Environmental Agency carry out inspections on the basis of the Chemicals Act?
The Environmental Agency is allowed to carry out inspections anywhere where substances, mixtures or articles that fall within the scope of the act are located cf. Article 49(1). The provision also allows the Agency to request samples, articles and products for further inspection, photograph and copy data.
The Environmental Agency is not allowed to enter residential premises or other such places for this purpose without the consent of residents without obtaining a court order. - How do I know that inspectors are employees of the Agency?
Inspectors always present themselves with a promotion letter where the scope and reason for the inspection are presented. Additionally, all employees of the Agency carry a staff ID card. - What happens after an inspection?
Shortly after the inspection a letter and an inspection report will be sent stating the results of the inspection. If there are no violations or deviations in the inspection, the inspection case will be closed without any further actions and the Agency will publish the results on its website.
In the event of violations or deviations they will be explained in the letter describing the results of the inspection and the Agency will require corrective action to be taken. In general, a period of two weeks is given to take corrective action but the deadline can vary depending on the nature of the violation or deviation. If corrective action is taken within the time limit provided, the case will be closed by the Agency after it accepts and confirms the corrective action taken and sends a letter stating that the case has been closed. - What happens if corrective action is not taken?
In the event of non-compliance, a follow-up case is established where the requirements for corrective action are stressed and the use of coercive measure or administrative fines can be applied by the Agency’s lawyer. - What coercive measures can the Agency apply?
The provisions concerning coercive measures are laid down in chapter XIII. of the Chemicals Act and application of coercive measures varies depending on the nature of the violation or deviation. The Agency can issue formal reminders, impose daily fines of up to 500.000 ISK each day and suspend marketing of products.