Vinna við nýjar heimasíður Umhverfis- og orkustofnunar og Náttúruverndarstofnunar er í gangi. Heimasíða Umhverfisstofnunar er virk á meðan vinnunni stendur. Information in English
Grabrokargigar, Borgarbyggd

Grábrókargígar was first protected in 1962, but the protection was altered in 1975. It contains three craters; Litla-Grábrók mostly disappeared due to renovations, but the handsome Stóra-Grábrók rises up from the ground near the Ring Road. The third crater is further west and is called Grábrókarfell. The craters are part of a volcanic system that reaches far west into Snæfellsnes. Lava from the craters covers a large part of Norðurárdalur. Pedestrians are allowed in the nature reserve if they follow the marked paths and good conduct is observed in every way.
The nature reserve is 28.7 ha in size.
Grábrókargígar is located by Highway 1, on the route through Norðurárdalur in Borgarfjörður. Access to Stóra-Grábrók is good, and pedestrian platforms have been built all the way to the top of Grábrók. A hiking trail runs around Grábrók and around Grábrókarfell. The area is open throughout the year, but access can be difficult in heavy snow and so caution should be exercised. The area is managed by the Environment Agency of Iceland; there is year-round land protection by Grábrókargígar.
Rules of Conduct
- Mining, ground disturbance and any type of alteration to the landscape is prohibited, unless in consultation with the Environment Agency.
- Pedestrians are allowed in the nature reserve if they follow the marked paths and observe proper conduct.
- Camping is subject to permission.
- Driving in the nature reserve is only permitted with permission from the Environment Agency and landowners. Driving off-road and outside marked trails is prohibited.
General access to the area is permitted. Observe good conduct and be respectful of nature and other visitors.